Satisfait18 avis
  • ≤4h
    Temps de réponse moyen
  • 100.0%
    Taux de livraison dans les délais
  • US $310,000+
    {0} commandes
Personnalisation complète
Service d’ingénieur expatrié
Inspection des produits finis
Traçabilité de qualité
Voir toutes les capacités vérifiées ({capacitiesNum})
Avis sur l’entreprise (18)
4.6 /5
  • Fournisseur Service
  • Expédition ponctuelle
  • Produit Qualité
We had ordered 2 printers before which worked fine. When we ordered another 2 printers (USD 100,000) we received a different model which needed twice the time to finish the print because it printed slower. This problem was ignored by the manufacturer and could not be solved until today. So our cost per print doubled with the new printers. Further the delivery was delayed by several months. The printers came without documentation and the software was not working as it contained chinese characters that did not work on an English windows computer. It took several months to get the printers up and running which caused enormous wasted efforts on our side. The customer support is very slow which creates lots of hiccups in working with them. They have insufficient english language skills which makes it very difficult to communicate.
    The quality of the printer is beyond expectations, compared to other uv printers.The ink is very high quality.Fast delivery, very helpful after sales services from John.Highly recommed!
      Voir tous les avis
      Astuces vidéo
      Freecolor dernière VISUEL UV HYBRIDE IMPRIMANTE à venir! -Numérisation continue et impression tout le temps!
      Imprimante UV de freecolor
      3 dans 1 imprimante UV de dtf/imprimante à plat UV/imprimante de bouteille, avec l'encre de CMYK + white + vernis. A3 et A2 taille pour le choix.
      Imprimante UV de haute qualité de freecolor
      Le modèle UV de FC-UV4060D d'imprimante de freecolor est un bon choix pour l'impression de produit de cadeaux telle que le verre, le bois, le métal, l'acrylique, le cuir, etc
      Imprimante UV de haute qualité de freecolor
      Imprimante UV de haute qualité de freecolor
      Imprimante UV de haute qualité
      Voir plus